117 Following

Tackling Mt. TBR

I'm an internet junkie that is obsessed with books. I own more than I will ever read in this lifetime and yet I'm still compelled
to buy more. I read mostly romance (mild to completely smutty), YA and urban fantasy.

1072 BOOKS
Read (492) Planning to read (563) Currently reading (0) Did Not Finish (20)
Favorite (20) Wishlist (2) Reviewed (312)
aliens-and-galaxies-far-far-away (20) already-loaned-out (27) arc (3) artists-musicians-writers (38) contemporary (382) contemporary-paranormal (122) cops-and-fbi (35) cowboys-ranchers-farmers (17) danl (31) doctors-nurses-paramedics-vets (25) end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it (26) entered-to-win (0) features-a-pet-cat (20) features-a-pet-dog (18) firemen (7) five-star-reads (69) futuristic (22) ghosts (8) gods-angels-demons (21) got-it-as-a-freebie (120) graphic-novels (30) historical (202) historical-paranormal (12) kindle-lendable (101) lawyers (9) m-m (210) made-me-angry (8) magic-or-magical-things (9) men-in-kilts (30) military (20) new-adult (10) next-in-series (13) non-fiction (4) owned-in-ebook (273) owned-in-paperback (112) pirates-and-high-seas (11) psychics-and-mediums (12) read-2012 (163) read-2013 (93) read-2014 (80) read-2015 (1) revamped-fairytales (3) royalty (8) shifters-bears (4) shifters-birds (1) shifters-cats (19) shifters-coyotes (1) shifters-dragons (10) shifters-hamsters (1) shifters-monkeys (1) shifters-owls (1) shifters-possums (1) shifters-sharks (1) shifters-snakes (1) shifters-thunderbirds (2) shifters-turtles (1) shifters-wild-dogs (1) shifters-wolves (41) signed-copy (12) small-town (13) smutty-smut-smut (40) so-glad-it-was-free (10) so-very-odd (8) sports-and-athletes (18) steampunk-ish (17) the-best-heroes (11) the-cover-made-me-read-it (12) the-more-the-merrier (49) time-travel (9) to-consider (1) vamps (81) witches (10) won-it (62) ya (58) zombies (33)
Unshelved (142)
1 2