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Tackling Mt. TBR

I'm an internet junkie that is obsessed with books. I own more than I will ever read in this lifetime and yet I'm still compelled
to buy more. I read mostly romance (mild to completely smutty), YA and urban fantasy.

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Wanted - Amanda Lance Unfiltered & Unlawful - Payge Galvin, Ronnie Douglas The Magic of Highland Dragons - Kella McKinnon While It Was Snowing: A Novella - Elyssa Patrick

Wanted - Seems a bit Stockholm Syndrome-ish, but I'm still mildly interested.


Unfiltered and Unlawful - Interesting set-up for this one.


The Magic of Highland Dragons - One of the reviews said it was rape-y and I'm not even sure there are dragons in it. I'll probably skip it, but here is the link in case there are any takers.


While It Was Snowing - Features a virgin hero which I still find rare enough to be noteworthy.