I'm an internet junkie that is obsessed with books. I own more than I will ever read in this lifetime and yet I'm still compelled
to buy more. I read mostly romance (mild to completely smutty), YA and urban fantasy.
So, my TBR is epic. I don't even want to say how many books are on it because it's embarrassing, but these books are ones I've been saying I was going to read for months now. So, my one teeny tiny resolution for this New Year is to read these ten books at some point in 2014.
I'm hoping that by posting this here where I have witnesses that I can actually stick with it. I'm an extremely moody reader, so even when I plan, I usually end up horribly off course. I remain hopeful though that by making a small goal, I will actually be able to keep it.
Did you make a reading resolution this year?