I'm an internet junkie that is obsessed with books. I own more than I will ever read in this lifetime and yet I'm still compelled
to buy more. I read mostly romance (mild to completely smutty), YA and urban fantasy.
I think I tend to be really picky when it comes to smutty reads. I'm not sure I've ever given one five-stars because there is usually always a little something that bugs me. That being said, I enjoyed all of these quite a bit.
Addicted is by Charlotte Stein. I think of Stein as the Queen of Smut, so of course this book did not disappoint. Despite all of the smuttiness this book has a surprisingly sweet romance.
Backstage Pass was one of those compulsively readable books. Even though I know it had some issues, I still really enjoyed reading it.
Pick Your Pleasure is a smutty choose your own adventure... seriously! You just can't go wrong there (and if you do go back to the beginning and take a different path.)
Unwrapped is one of the best menage books I've read. I like that it deals with a lot of the issues that get glossed over normally. Plus, it's m/m/f, which is my favorite.
Another Night, Another Dream had some of the best build-up to sex I've read, unfortunately when the actual sex happened it didn't live up to all the tension. It's still worth reading though.