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Tackling Mt. TBR

I'm an internet junkie that is obsessed with books. I own more than I will ever read in this lifetime and yet I'm still compelled
to buy more. I read mostly romance (mild to completely smutty), YA and urban fantasy.

My Reading Year in Review - Top 5 YA Books

This is What Happy Looks Like - Jennifer E. Smith The Hallowed Ones - Laura Bickle The Distance Between Us - Kasie West From What I Remember... - Stacy Kramer, Valerie  Thomas Obsidian - Jennifer L. Armentrout

I think I read more YA books this year than any year since I was about 12 (and trust me, YA was a totally different thing back then.) I read quite a few that I really enjoyed, including the first two Hunger Games books, but these were my top 5 favorites.


This Is What Happy Looks Like is exactly what you would expect with a title like that. The book just leaves you feeling happy. Plus, the whole teen celeb and normal teen accidentally starting up an email friendship is just fun.


The Hallowed Ones was so much better than I thought it would be. It was also way creepier than I expected. I was glued to the pages until the very end. The second book, The Outside, was good as well, but not quite as good as the first one.


The Distance Between Us is a poor girl/rich guy story, which I'm a sucker for. I enjoyed the hell out of this book and it has one of the most interesting not-dates ever (digging graves.)


From What I Remember... is crazy, madcap and zany. It's just nonstop from the first page to the last. I really enjoyed it. This would be my pick for a YA book that would make a great movie.


Obsidian is a bit of a guilty pleasure book for me (although I'm not really guilty about it) because I know it has some issues, but it's just so freakin' readable. This book was a five-star read for me. None of the follow-up books were able to excite me as much as this one, though I did enjoy them.