I'm an internet junkie that is obsessed with books. I own more than I will ever read in this lifetime and yet I'm still compelled
to buy more. I read mostly romance (mild to completely smutty), YA and urban fantasy.
Okay, so even though I was prepared for a cliffhanger ending, I still wasn't truly prepared for the torture the author is putting us through. I will admit to not being a fan of cliffhangers as a rule and have even been known to avoid them all together, but I make allowances for series I find especially good and this is one of them.
I liked this book quite a bit. We are seeing a lot of character growth for Daemon. I would love to see more from Kat, but she did avoid some of her major mistakes from the previous book this time around.
I find Dee and Dawson wonderfully fascinating and would be thrilled to see novellas focusing on their storylines in the future.
There were a few nitpicky things for me toward the end of the book involving the opal that Daemon gives to Kat. He puts it on a necklace for her and then there is some mention of it being in her pocket when they were going into the facility, then it was on her neck again when Blake managed to snatch it.Other than that this was a really great addition to the series and I'm epically impatient for the next book.