I'm an internet junkie that is obsessed with books. I own more than I will ever read in this lifetime and yet I'm still compelled
to buy more. I read mostly romance (mild to completely smutty), YA and urban fantasy.
I finished a book! This alone is worthy of note since it's been a while. Hopefully not that my life has settled down a bit I can get more reading done.
Now, as far as this book goes, I have to say I was a bit let down. I have read and enjoyed many books by Jennifer E Smith. I like that they make me feel a bit nostalgic about being a teenager and all that goes along with being in love for the first time when everything is new.
That being said this bit was a bit lacking in that area. At times I found it borderline depressing. Not that Clare wasn't being practical about her relationship for the most part, it's just that I don't read books to see people being practical.
To add to that, the trip down memory lane wasn't especially memorable and I didn't really care if they stayed together in the end or not.
I gave it 3 stars predominantly because I thought the supporting characters were entertaining and I thought the dialog was particularly well done.
I will read this author again because this is the first book that hasn't quite hit the mark for me, but since I have absolutely loved some of her other books I will not write her off just yet.